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How to dynamically display product/discount details in the bundle deal
How to dynamically display product/discount details in the bundle deal

Learn more about Kaching Quantity bundles dynamic personalizations

Paulius avatar
Written by Paulius
Updated over a week ago

Kaching Quantity Bundles provides 3 basic and 2 custom product meta-field personalizations to enhance your bundle deals

Basic personalizations:

{{ product.title }}
{{ deal_bar.discount_amount }}
{{ deal_bar.discount_percentage }}

Custom personalizations:

{{ product.metafields.kaching_bundles.text }} 
{{ product.metafields.kaching_bundles.text2 }}

Personalizations usage

Basic personalizations

Personalizations can be used in any bundle deal field.

For example, you can use {{ product. title }} personalization to show a dynamic product title in the bundle deal label.

kaching quantity bundles dynamic personalizations

You can even mix these personalizations to create a unique bundle deal label for each product:

Buy 2x of {{ product.title }} to save {{ deal_bar.discount_amount }}

Kaching Quantity Bundles product title personalization

Custom personalizations usage

In addition, we offer two custom product meta-field personalizations:

{{ product.metafields.kaching_bundles.text }} 
{{ product.metafields.kaching_bundles.text2 }}

These personalizations empower you to display custom, product-specific details within your bundle deals.

To make use of these personalizations, you'll need to create them in Shopify.

Let's take a look at how you can implement them:

  1. Navigate to the store settings

  2. In the side navigation - click on "Custom data"

  3. Select "Products" metafield

    kaching quantity bundles personalizations / dynamic data display

  4. Click "Add definition"

  5. Fill definition fields.

    1. You can fill in the name, description, and metafield type with your own choices.

    2. The "Namespace and key" is important; it can either be "kaching_bundles.text" or "kaching_bundles.text2."

  6. Save metafield

Custom metafields usage

To utilize metafields in the bundle deal, the product must have them defined on the product page. Product metafields are visible on the product edit page ( at the bottom ).

After that, you can utilize the defined metafields in the bundle block. Their usage is identical to basic personalizations; you can add them to any field in the bundle deal.

Note: If the custom product metafield ( personalization ) is not defined on the product, the bundle deal will not show it. We strongly recommend combining custom personalizations with static text to ensure that bundle deals are displayed properly.

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